Some of our favorite nicknames for you are Maddie Paddy (which also leads to Maddie Pads or just Pads), Mads, Maddie cakes, or we even go with the full Madison Paige if you happen to be getting into something you're not supposed to (Ski's water bowl maybe?). You love to eat (especially grapes, black beans and rice), say "mama" and "dada", clap your hands, wave hello, blow kisses, give open mouth kisses, give high fives, dance anytime music comes on, and you are SO ready to start walking but just haven't worked up the courage quite yet. For now you are perfectly fine speed crawling or taking steps while holding on to one or two of our hands.
Your two favorites are definitely Riley ("sissy") and Ski doggy. It's been so special to watch you and Riley interact over the last year, and I can't wait to see how your relationship evolves over the next year as you move out of the baby phase and start to walk and talk. You'll see in the pictures below how unbelievably excited Riley was to welcome you into this world, and she can't wait until you can run around and play together!
There's a whole lot we can tell about your personality already. You are the happiest baby I've ever met. You are persistent when you want something and are not afraid to make a fuss in order to get it. You are also daring and unafraid - some of your favorite things to do are to climb up and down the stairs, climb up onto our bed, roll around and sometimes fall off, and to climb up on to the mini trampoline where you use the bar to stand up and start jumping up and down on it! You also love waving, smiling at and talking to people while we are out and about, although occasionally you'll pretend to be shy. You make a lot of friends, that's for sure.
What an amazing year it has been! Thank you, Maddie pads, for being such a bright and shining star in our world. We love you so much!