Monday, April 15, 2013

3 Months Old

Well, it's time for another update because Riley is now 3 months old! She weighs approximately 11 1/2 pounds and is overall a very active baby. She has found her fists and really enjoys putting them in her mouth and sucking on her fingers as well. She definitely recognizes her Mom and Dad, and lets us know with a very big smile! We have also heard one or two giggles when she's in a really good mood. At night, she typically sleeps from about 8pm to 7am, waking up 1-2 times to eat and going right back to sleep. Her longest stretch of sleep is anywhere from 5-7 hours. She is getting steadier while sitting up and can do so with minimal support. Her newest talent is "talking", and she is constantly practicing making all different kinds of sounds.

This week, Riles (as we affectionately call her) has thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful weather, joining her friends Trudy and Caden for a walk around the ODU campus, and chilling outside in her bouncer while Dad did some yard work. She unfortunately also had her first fever, but after a little medicine and lots of rest, it went away quickly and she was back to her smiling self.


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