Sunday, May 19, 2013

4 Months Old

Time flies...and our little Riley is already 4 months old! At her doctor's visit, we found out she is now 12 lbs 10 oz and 24 inches long, which is pretty much in the 25th percentile all around. A little peanut, as some call her! Her latest achievement was rolling over from her tummy to her back, which she did for the first time about a week ago. Her silly personality is starting to really shine through, with lots of giggles and new sounds she is trying out (one of which sounds like she is pretending to cough).

One of Riley's favorite new hobbies is grabbing things. She loves to grab toys or her feet (or hair or necklaces) and try to put them in her mouth. Her play mat is one of her favorite places to be, at home as well as at daycare. She is still working on sitting up - she has gotten a lot steadier and much prefers it now to laying down. At daycare she loves to sit up and watch all the other babies play, and sometimes skips her naps because of it...oopsy!

Finally, she is starting to get into more of a sleep pattern than before. At daycare she will usually take one longer nap and a few shorter ones, and at night she goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps 7-8 hours before waking up to eat and go back down until about 7. Her bedtime is pretty set in stone because she gets very cranky if kept up past it, and sometimes doesn't even make it until that time. Occasionally we try to have her nap after daycare and go to bed a little later, but it doesn't really work. She does still wake up sometimes needing her pacifier to fall back asleep, but for the most part we are pretty pleased with the new sleep pattern.

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