At 6 months old, Riles is a small yet vocal and fun-loving little girl. She is constantly aware and involved in everything going on around her, and still loves to grab everything in sight and put it in her mouth. Besides rolling around, she now likes to grab her feet as well. She is VERY vocal, and will let you know quickly if she is bored and needs a change of scenery or a new toy to play with. She has been practicing more high-pitched and yelling type of noises, and thinks it's hilarious when she realizes those sounds came from her! Just as you know when she is bored, you also know when she is excited about something by the way she starts waving her arms and bouncing up and down with a big smile on her face. When it comes to sleep, Riles doesn't really think she needs it most of the time. She takes a morning nap at daycare but mostly goes the rest of the day with only short 20-30 minute naps until bedtime. While she was on a good nighttime schedule for the last few weeks, she is beginning to wake up more often again at night. With so much going on around her, we think she finds it difficult to wind down and actually get some shut eye when she needs it. When it comes to eating, Riley has now tried a few different foods and truly seems to enjoy the whole eating process. We plan to see how"baby led weaning" goes, and just have some fun with it as she tries a bunch of new things.
In honor of her half-year birthday, here's some pictures to show how much she has grown and changed in the last several months:
Month 0
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6!!
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